Dutch Wave Power follows a structured validation process. In this five-phase process we will gradually ‘de-risk’ our concept and we will continue to look for ‘degree of evidence’ in terms of survivability, performance, reliability and, not unimportantly, the economics. Each stage maximizes risk reduction at minimal cost.
Stage 1
2018: How it started
Almost all initiatives start with affinity with the subject: Sten in particular became very interested in the potential of wave energy while practicing wave surfing. During the surf sessions you will immediately come into contact with the immense power of the sea, especially if you are not very good at surfing yet.
This led to deepening into the sea, into the waves and a way of converting this wave power into a sustainable usable energy form such as electricity and hydrogen. After an extensive study of the pros and cons of the main existing concepts within all categories (> 100 units) and also studying research reports on the opportunities and risks of wave energy, we started testing and validating ten different wave energy concepts. These tests on a scale of 1: 100 and 1:50 were carried out in a wave flume laboratory set-up.
2019: Promising concept and first investor
A promising concept emerged from these tests in 2019. We have further developed this concept and started testing with 1:15 scale prototypes. The design has been improved and refined based on these tests. In addition, the concept has been modeled in the form of calculation models and simulations. On the basis of this modeling, the dimensions, movement dynamics and loads are optimized and we are able to make good predictions with regard to energy generation.
Stage 2
2020: Proof of concept and numerical model validation
We tested the 1:4 prototype in the summer of 2020 in the Delta Flume at knowledge institute Deltares. The test went extremely well and the results were very encouraging: the operation and launching in accordance with expectations, but above all the efficiency, ie the power generated, were significantly exceeded! The latter offers prospects for a positive cost-benefit outcome.
2021: Additional wave flume tests at MARIN
To validate and de-risk every aspect of our wave energy converter concept we conducted a large amount of tests at a wave flume at the marine research centre MARIN. The tests were be performed at a scale of 1:7.
Stage 3
2022 - 2024: Pilot system validation in a relevant environment: the North Sea
At the moment we are lining up for our first relevant environment: the North Sea. At the Offshore Test Site (OTS) at 12 kilometer of the coast of The Hague and Scheveningen we will deploy a small scale model to showcase the survivability and reliability. On top of that we will gather data to improve the output in all sea conditions.
Stage 4
2024 - 2025: Demonstration and certification
In 2024 we plan to install the near full scale 1:2 or full scale 1:1 demonstration models at sea for demonstration and certification purposes.
Stage 5
2026 - 2027: Grid or array of multiple wave energy converters
The first production array of multiple converters (>5) will provide us insights of grid effects and will provide a decent amount of renewable wave energy to be consumed by a relevant and connected project or group of consumers. The step towards commercialization!